Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mad Hatters

Sometime next week, the Feeders are off to England for a visit. They did go last year at about the same time, and we'll have our guest feeder to look after us, but we're not too happy about them leaving. Especially as last year, they went to an English Rowing regatta, and, according to the photographs that they took, it's de rigeur for the Ladies wear cat toys on thier heads.

The above example upset our English Feeder somewhat, as it appears these are real butterflies, but, dead ones. A painted Lady, a Red Admiral and (perhaps?) a Small Tortoiseshell, he thinks, based on his schoolboy butterfly identification skills (of which he's a bit proud).

Frankly though, however clever these hats may look at the big event, we can only assume that their wearers are returning home to a cat-free environment....

Because, well, I have an inkling we don't have to tell you, but Fritz and I would be ready to bring them down a peg or two...


LZ said...

Seriously....don't let me near those cat toys because I'd drag them right off of the woman's heads. Tasty....


Daisy said...

Yep, cat toy hats, all of them!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

I would love to have a taste of those hats. . .


The Crew said...

Those hats wouldn't stand a chance in this house, with 4 cats!

Forty Paws said...

Oh yes. Those would make great cat toys. Albeit expensive, but totally great!

We can't believe your feeders are abandoning you guys again! This requires intervention! We don't know what yet, but we'll think about it.

Luf, Us

The Cat Realm said...

Uh uh - nice hats! We love hats. We sometimes even wear them. But especially the ribboned ones are really good toys!

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Tell your feeders to Bring brollys and wellies when they come over!

The sun's out at the moment but this is only a momentary thing. I see three more days of rain on the weather channel. The man has tickets to Wimbeldon tomorrow but I think he's going to get wet and cold.

Oh - and don't bother bringing those hats because they'll get water damaged, I'm sure.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy wow! Any way you can stow away so you can play wif them fev-ver toy hair thingies?!

Peach Man said...

You'd better keep me away. I'd haffta bite those hats!

momsbusy said...

them hats look like fun cat toys.

yuki & kimiko