It has been a long month here: at various times Feeders were traveling for work (we encourage gainful employment to ensure vital supplies), at other times, they were stricken with what seemed to be the earliest human colds of the season.
Their energies were thus diverted I suppose, and rest assured Fritz and I were as supportive as possible.
It does seems as though all's getting back on track: witness the following...
Last night there was a feast, of sorts, prepared in our kitchen...I was watching carefully...

Even Fritz pricked up his ears....

We were happy that they must be feeling better enough to cook a hearty meal.
To be honest though, we were also happily anticipating the possiblity of any left overs from this main course..... the aroma of which which was causing our whiskers to twitch somewhat..

Hmm..Salmon. Big Salmon. Did they really eat all of that themselves? We had high hopes of rich pickings around the table...
Well, I'm afraid that, in return for a rather generous helping of cat treats, we promised not to tell!
A trick I suppose, but we did get our treats...and we hope you did too.